Photos Workbench 1.3.2
- Fixes a crash on launch on older versions of macOS
Photos Workbench 1.3.1
- Fixes a crashing bug when filtering for edited photos
Photos Workbench 1.3
- Updated for compatibility with macOS 15 Sequoia
- Fixes a bug where Photos Workbench failed to restore selection when switching between albums
- Fixes photos sort order after batch renaming items in an album sorted by modification date
- Fixes issues with reloading photo information upon changes made using Workbench or Apple Photos
Photos Workbench 1.2.6
Photos Workbench 1.2.5
- Fixes a bug where manually rearranging photos in an album failed
- Fixes a bug where the Info sidebar failed to reflect the selection in grid view
Photos Workbench 1.2.4
- Various bug fixes. Thank you for the reports
Photos Workbench 1.2.3
- Fixes a bug where "Reveal Image in Photos…" could fail
- Fixes a bug where Photos Workbench could crash when items were re-arranged in Apple Photos
- Improves performance of the photo grid view
Photos Workbench 1.2.2
- Clarifies need to access Photos application settings on macOS 14 Sonoma
- Reduces memory consumption
Photos Workbench 1.2.1
- Addresses a minor issue when running on macOS 14 Sonoma
Photos Workbench 1.2
- Updated for macOS 14 Sonoma
- Photos Workbench now asks for a name when creating a new album
- You can now use the space key to jump from grid or list view to a single image and back
- Photos Workbench now keeps the selection in view when switching between grid, list, and compare mode
- Bug fixes and refinements. Thank you, Steve B.
Photos Workbench 1.1
- Photos Workbench now opens the most recently used Apple Photos library. Use the Photos application to switch between libraries
- Library now shows photos in the same order as All Photos in the Photos application
- Photos Workbench remembers the selected album and selected photos when quitting and relaunching the application
- When switching between albums, the selection and scroll position are preserved
Photos Workbench 1.0.2
- Added a slider to zoom the grid view
- Added a slider to synchronously zoom photos in compare mode
- Added menu items to zoom in and out
- Fixes a bug where Photos Workbench failed to read timestamps in certain GPX files
Photos Workbench 1.0.1
Photos Workbench 1.0
- Photos Workbench now needs a license
- Last-minute bug fixes. Let's give our beta-testers a big hand!
Photos Workbench 1.0b28
- Added the ability to delete photos
Photos Workbench 1.0b26
- Last-minute bug fixes. Thank you, Stefan
Photos Workbench 1.0b25
- Improvements to drag-and-drop in grid view
- Shift-click to select multiple items in grid view
Photos Workbench 1.0b24
- Finally!
The Help documentation is done. Read up on all Photos Workbench can do, learn about keyboard shortcuts to speed up your workflow, and discover hidden gems.
- Bug fixes to the keywords palette
Photos Workbench 1.0b23
- Photos Workbench can now "poke" the Photos app to look up location names
- Photos Workbench is almost ready for release. Please report any last minute bugs
Photos Workbench 1.0b22
- You can now also re-arrange photos in list view
- Fixes some more bugs
Photos Workbench 1.0b20
- New feature: You can now re-arrange photos in an album by drag-and-drop. Arrange the photos in just the order you want.
This is big!
You can now apply custom titles (e.g. numbers) in that order!
- Fixes many minor bugs
Photos Workbench 1.0b19
- Fixes a bug where the list view turned blank
Photos Workbench 1.0b18
- New rename option: Date and counter
- Header to show album name and number of images
Photos Workbench 1.0b16
- Context menus
- New: Remove from other albums
- New: Rename albums
- Improved: Autocompletion and suggestions when entering keywords
- Fixed: Long image titles
Photos Workbench 1.0b15
- Improved: 24h time option for batch titles
- Improved: Maintain map zoom level when moving between images
- New: Large image preview in track log geocoding
- Various bug fixes
Photos Workbench 1.0b14
- Fixes a bug that caused geocoding from a GPX track log to fail
Photos Workbench 1.0b13
- New: "Title or Filename" token in "Batch Change Titles…"
- Various bug fixes
Photos Workbench 1.0b12
- New: "File extension" token in "Batch Change Titles…"
- New: "Reveal Image in Photos…"
- New: Context menu
Photos Workbench 1.0b11
- Enhancements to Compare mode - including updated documentation
- New: Option to filter photos by "has location" (Jim)
- Enhancement: Made it easier to resize the map (Jim)
- Bug fix: Copy-paste multiple keywords in on go (pokey)
Photos Workbench 1.0b10
- Enhancement: The keyword palette highlights current keywords
- Enhancement: The keyword palette can now be scrolled
- Bug fix: "Paste Location" did not work (Jim)
- Bug fix: Keyword suggestions list extends past screen edge (pokey)
- Bug fix: Keyword suggestions should be case insensitive (pokey)
- Bug fix: The "Add keyword" field loses focus after adding a keyword (pokey)
- Bug fix: Keywords with more than 10 characters are truncated (Jim)
- Bug fix: Zoom was broken in Compare mode (racemase)
Thank you for the feedback. We are still processing much of it. Next up will be enhancements to Compare Mode.
Please keep the feedback and bug reports coming.
Photos Workbench
- Add location information: Place photos on a map. Work incrementally
- Assign GPS locations: Automatically place photos using a GPX track log
- Compare photos: Pick the best shot in a series
- Add keywords: Choose from custom presets. Use keyboard shortcuts
- Bulk change: Add titles to photos. E.g. NewYear-001, NewYear-002, …
- Rate photos: Add star ratings. Filter photos by rating